China's Fourth Universal Periodic Review 

By Jerome A. Cohen

Many thanks to John Kamm and the Dui Hua Foundation for the important analysis of China’s Universal Periodic Review taking place at the UN in Geneva. This is China’s fourth UPR, and the last review took place in 2018. 

How much better is Taiwan's periodic international committee scrutiny of its own human rights progress and failings! I served for the first two terms of Taiwan's National Human Rights Commission Experts Committee, which has held a third term. I was the only American on my committees, but my NYU colleague Philip Alston of Australia served with me. 

Unlike the 45 seconds each country will have to discuss China’s conduct at the UPR, we had the luxury of several days to monitor Taiwan’s record, receiving documents and statements, questioning witnesses from both official and NGO sources and having informal tea-type exchange with representatives of both sides, especially the dynamic local NGO people who even chased me during bathroom breaks. 

We, of course, issued a report each time containing criticisms and recommendations. An exhilarating experience!